"Booty Heroes" is an adult-themed fantasy role-playing game that combines strategic team-building with turn-based combat. Players collect and upgrade a diverse roster of female heroes, each belonging to one of six factions and five classes, to form a formidable team.
Gameplay Overview:
Hero Collection and Development: Players recruit heroes of varying rarities, from Normal (N) to Ultra Rare (UR). Early in the game, it's advisable to focus on building Rare (R) and Super Rare (SR) heroes before progressing to higher rarities. Heroes can be leveled up, promoted, and equipped with gear to enhance their combat effectiveness.
Team Composition: A balanced team typically consists of two frontline tank-like characters, often priests with high health, and backline damage dealers. Speed is a crucial attribute, as it determines the order of attacks in battle. Heroes like Becca and Lola can boost the team's speed, providing a strategic advantage.
Combat Mechanics: Battles are turn-based, with heroes acting in order of their speed stats. Initially, heroes perform basic attacks targeting the front two enemies, with damage mitigated by the armor stat. In subsequent turns, heroes unleash special attacks that bypass armor, often determining the battle's outcome. Therefore, assembling a team of fast, hard-hitting heroes is a common strategy.
Game Modes: The game offers various modes, including Campaign, Arena (PvP), Waterfall, Journey, and limited-time events. Each mode presents unique challenges and rewards, encouraging players to adapt their strategies and continuously develop their heroes.